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Gregory Schlomoff
Blog Posts
If someone steals your phone, they can log into your Paypal account - even if the phone is locked
(29 Jan 2017)
Little dots everywhere!
(31 Jan 2015)
Poisson-disc sampling in Unity
(29 Jun 2014)
Arrival at Boa Vista, Cape Verde
(15 May 2014)
Starting a New Journey
(22 Apr 2014)
Qt developers rejoice: KDE Frameworks has been announced.
(08 Jun 2011)
Update on the DIY standing desk: now with dual monitors, too
(13 Apr 2011)
How to hack yourself a standing desk in 3 easy steps - an illustrated guide
(12 Apr 2011)
Geographic Arbitrage: Hedging Your Risk As a Startup Founder by Going Abroad
(13 Dec 2010)